Wednesday 30 November 2011

Kaela's Spontanious Trip

Monday morning rolls around this week and I get up and head off to work.  I forgot to write down my schedule for the week but I had worked Monday for the past 6 weeks so I just assumed.  After a 40 minute drive into the city I was informed that in fact I didn't work.  So I packed myself back into my poor little car and made the trek home.  I texted Kathy before I left work because I remembered her saying in an email that she was off all day Monday.  I thought, maybe I can take a trip there.

By 12:30pm she had replied and I was running to my basement room to pack my little backpack with what I would need for a quick over night trip to Three Hills.  I jumped in my car and was humming with excitement because of my extreme rebellion to my usual very planned and organized lifestyle. Driving down south through the beautiful Alberta prairie was most excellent.  I've always loved that drive.  Highway 2 is multi-talented, so smooth and fast while having such a gorgeous view.  Horses and cows, hills and trees.  Just love it.  Arrival in Three Hills was absolutely always.  The very slow little tiny mini town seems to welcome me fully as I drive "through" to the college.  Kathy was just finishing up with a session that she is taking that is held at the school.

She came out to my car and we excitedly jumped and hugged and squealed, as is tradition.  As soon as I see her I have a sense of excitement and lightened spirit, something I cannot explain.  Something that was given to her by God to impress upon me when we are together.  It's radical.  I hadn't ever been to her new abode she acquired since she had finished schooling.  She decided to continue living in Three Hills because she felt like it was where she was supposed to stay (and because she fell in love with a certain dude).

I pulled into an awkwardly shaped front driveway/yard/pull through/confusing parking lot in front of a big two story blue house from the 70's.  It's one of those houses that was definatly meant for two families or boarders in the basement.  Up or down...your only choices when you walk in the door, both doors closed at the end of the stairs.  Kind of like a bad nursery rhyme.  We went up.  As we walked through the house, Kathy began a running narrative about the details that lay in each room.  I dropped my bags in her little room at the end of the hall.  Finally Garth came in the door from the back yard, cold and slobbery.  So excited to see me.  He knew it was me.  I could almost hear him saying, "this is the girl who lays down with me and rolls around on the floor like a dog!! Wooo!!"  I think dogs think I'm a first-rate human.

The evening went on and we decided to take a drive to the Guzoo.  There, I was in heaven.  I got to run with tigers!  And wolves, and cougars!!  They all loved to see us, it was amazing.  They actually noticed our presence, unlike other zoos.  They would run up to the cage and put their paws on the fence and purr and meow and run and jump with us.  It was unbelievably awe-inspiring.  I would love to work at a place like that.   You NEED to go there.  It's incredible.  But go on a day that it's not busy, because then you really get a unique chance to get close to the animals and see how they actually notice you you!!  Anyway...tangent about Guzoo.

The rest of the evening was pretty chill, eating delish homemade sour dough pizzas and major cleaning Kathy's room.  The next morning I took Kathy to work and headed home back north.  The scenery doesn't seem as amazing on the way home.

Only when heading south, down to Thrills.

-- Kaela

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