Monday 18 November 2013

Cleanse Thy Self

It should be the eleventh commandment really.  I have found that the feeling of cleansing your body is like nothing else.  It's so...cleansing.  We are starting the "Fast Metabolism Diet" today.  It is a body cleansing, metabolism rocking 28 day restriction regimen.  The 'diet' is really just a controlled instruction manual of when to eat what and how much.  There is Phase 1, Monday-Tuesday, Phase 2, Wednesday-Thursday and Phase 3 Friday-Sunday. 

Phase 1 is:

Breakfast: Grain, Fruit
Snack: Fruit
Lunch: Grain, Protein, Fruit, Veggie
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: Grain, Protein, Veggie

Phase 2 is:

Breakfast: Protein, Veggie
Snack: Protein
Lunch: Protein, Veggie
Snack: Protein
Dinner: Protein, Veggie

Phase 3 is:

Breakfast: Fruit, Fat/Protein, Grain, Veggie
Snack: Fat/Protein, Veggie (optional)
Lunch: Fat/Protein, Veggie, Fruit
Snack: Fat/Protein, Veggie (optional)
Dinner: Fat/Protein, Grain/Starch

So, I'm pretty sure Phase 3 will be the most fun, Phase 2 will probably be the hardest, I think we'll be pretty tired of protein and veggies by the end.  They call Phase 2 the "Unlock Fat Stores" phase.  Protein, veggies, protein, veggie, protein, veggie.  AHHH!  Whenever there is a 'veggie' allowance it is an unlimited amount.  So you can fill up on those, which is the best for you anyway.  All of the other componants have amount restrictions to them.  A 'fruit' is one piece of fruit or 4 ounces, protein is 4 ounces, etc.  There are a few 'rules' to go along with the cleanse just to make it more effective.  No caffeine, alcohol, corn, dairy, wheat, soy, dried fruit or fruit juices, artificial sweeteners or 'fat-free' diet foods.  Haylie Pomroy really goes into depth about why not, and how each of these things effects your body so negatively that when I read it, it changed my eating habits for good, not just for 28 days. 

Today is day 1.  I feel pretty good.  I was hungry through the day but my stomach is pretty stretched out right now because we have been very bad with our eating lately.  I assume in a few days we will feel less hungry.  I am looking forward to eating natural, raw and good for me food for a whole month almost.  No sauces, no sugars, no preservatives, no fake, no crap.  I am looking forward to feeling clean, happy and healthy.  And if I lose my big 15 lbs. I won't complain either.

In His grace,


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