Saturday 20 April 2013

April Showers?

Well, it's been a little bit busy this year so far, obviously.  I'm really going to try and write more, seriously.  I just sometimes feel like I have a ton on my plate.  And my butt get's tired from sitting on the pillow on the floor with my laptop on the coffee table.  Yes, I have a desk, no I don't use it, yes I prefer the floor.  Okay.  I have been writing in a journal every night since the beginning of March, so that is really good for me.  Lots of days I have nothing to say, so I just comment on work, supper.  That's it.  Sometimes I go shopping so I write that.  It doesn't matter what I do I write it.  I decided to do that after my grandma Melnyk told me she has been doing that everyday since the 70's.  That's amazing!  It will be so neat to read those one day (if that is her wish) and so I thought I should start my own.  It really will let people know who you really were, your real person, in your heart. 

We have a family with two children living next to us in the apartment now.  It's nice to know that there is someone there that I could go to if I needed something.  Before it was just single men or who knows who.  It's nice to hear the oldest, a little girl (maybe 3) running up and down their hallway.  Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp.  It's fine, because it will never happen at 3am.  Unlike fighting, screaming, throwing things.  That can happen anytime.  And it does... not in our suite though...just to clear that up. 

Today was a really awesome day, we went to Mark Gungor's Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage seminar yesterday evening and this morning until noon.  He is so hilarious.  It's so nice because it's not corny "Christian" humor.  It's REAL hilarious, make fun of people, kind of humor.  And it's perfect because he works stuff in there that REALLY impact your marriage.  There were things we learned that are going to change the way we interact with each other forever, for the better.  It's 100% worth checking out.  Amazing.
Mark Gungor, Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage

Then, we went for lunch with my parents to HLD (High Level Diner), BEST PLACE TO EAT EVER!  Had our usuals, vegetarian burger with tabouleh salad.  YUM YUM YUM.  Went to Strathcona Farmer's Market for an afternoon stroll before it closed, mom and dad bought grandma Melnyk's birthday gift there and then we all parted ways.  We went around and picked a few things and then pointed our carriage homeward.  When we got home I began to make my homemade Cheddar Corn delish.
I saw that my beautiful dill plant has already sprouted, which I am so proud of it for because it is only 7 days old.  What a little keener!
So because of this fact, I decided to check my germinating lavender seeds in a cloth.  They were germinated!  They were supposed to take 20 days...they are 7 days old too!  Our apartment must be perfect environment for them or something...or I am just that good.  So I planted them in their own little pots too.

So our day was wonderful, our soup was delish, our plants are growing like snails on acid and best of all, it's snowing on April 20th.  Yes that's right, snowing, blizzarding, and has been pretty well for 2 days straight.  But, this coming week is supposed to be in the teens!  So hopefully that's true.  Thanks for hanging out!

By His grace,
-- Kaela (& Shawn)

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