Thursday 26 September 2013

Life as We Know It

Welcome back into our life.  It's been forever.  I thought I would be good at blogging at least once a week.  Obviously not!  We have been very busy lately, we are always busy in the summer but this year it seemed almost overwhelming at times.

I took on a few new weekly commitments, which is interesting because before, I had none.  And I liked it that way.  But this year I though, I really should do something I enjoy. 

I started to pursue my friend Angie about horse back riding with her on a weekly basis when the weather started to get warmer in the spring.  She was gung ho for it as she needed "accountability" to get out there herself.  Which is crazy to me; a horse lover without a horse.  I don't think I would need anyone to ask me twice to ride my horse, that's in my yard, what a dream! Understandably though, she is a very busy young lady with a TON of awesome but time consuming activities and a 3 year old child, and now a baby on the way and a house to keep, and a huge garden to keep, and a 3 and a half mouths to feed and an acreage to keep.  You can be a horse person all you want but when 'life' moves in, so to speak, you can't do anything about it but try try try.  So I have been going over there almost every week since May ( because we had such an insanely long winter this year).  I ride her horse PJ who is an grey flee bitten (type of coat) Arabian, about 14 hands high.  She is a sweet thing with a lot of spunk and a soft, friendly disposition.  When I started riding her she was calm, well mannered but had a little disrespect on ground and in saddle.  I've really enjoyed working with her, gaining major confidence, teaching her new things, working on her control, learning how to sit a trot and lope.  It's been an amazing experience.  Most of the time I just ride her around Angie's round pen for 1-3 hours depending on the day.  Just working with her and enjoying every minute of it. 

I also decided to start golfing with my Grandma Melnyk this year.  I had asked her if we could golf every once in a while this year and it turned into me joining the Business Ladies League at the Devon Golf and Country Club.  Grandma treated me to 5 golf lessons from the pro there, which were extremely helpful as I had no clue what I was doing.  I was improving every game and really enjoying it.  We golfed every Tuesday from June - first week of September. 

In August I picked up the description of "Devon Alliance Church Bridal Shower Leader", or something to that effect.  I am really looking forward to ministering in this way because it is totally up my alley.  I love planning events, decorating and organizing things in that way.  I was thinking that I would have a lot of time to decide my 'schedule' and 'to do lists' because I probably wouldn't have a shower until maybe spring for a wedding in the summer.  Then my good friend Amy got engaged August 1st.  Wedding, October 5th.  So I planned my first shower for her in 2 weeks, and it went pretty well I think.  It was such a blessing to be able to do that for her though.  I'm so happy for her.

Shawn has been quite busy with work lately, he leaves home for the shop around 7:00am or earlier and gets home sometime between 1pm-6pm.  Depending on the day.  I could not do that!!  Not know when I am off work.  I like my 8am-3pm, Monday-Thursday.  Then again, if I had to work as hard as he works in a day I would be a basket case by this time.  I really feel proud that he is my husband and I really hope I never take for granted how hard he works for us and our comfort.

So needless to say, I went from being a home body, with nothing to do in the evenings after work except relax, clean house and enjoy some me/us time.  To horsing around on Thursdays, whacking balls on Tuesdays and planning mini wedding-like events in my spare time.  And my mom says..."Just wait until you have kids."

By His grace,
