Tuesday 7 May 2013

Weather Healthy or Not

May 6, 2013, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada reached a high of +31.1 degrees centigrade.  Now, about a week ago, we were dwindling around the +1 mark.  The trees were not even budding yet and the geese that traversed into our wintery province were still on little icy patches of water in the fields along the highways.  Albertans everywhere were wondering 'when is spring coming?'.  Now we have...summer.  Where did spring go?  Weather changes and forecasting is one of those things that goes in one ear and out the other for me.  It really doesn't matter to me, I love snow, I love extreme heat, I love rain, storms, wind, sleet, hail.  Doesn't matter.  I'm happy with whatever God throws our way.  The main reason is because I know it cannot be changed.  If it could, we definitely would have figured it out by now.  Heck, we can create "perfectly" cloned animals.  Nasty.  I could rant about that but that is for another day, another post.  Yesterday my mom and I started our 'juicing' at lunch time.  We have decided that we are going to juice fresh vegetable for our lunch most of the time.  I'm going to do it everyday except Thursdays because I go riding after work on Thursdays and skip supper so I need something more sustaining.  We will be juicing kale, celery, cucumber, carrots, apples, parsley, pears, pineapple.  It is not the most amazing tasting thing, but I know I will really get into it once I see the benefits.  I've been researching and studying raw eating, juicing, organics.  Getting healthy and beautiful from the inside out instead of covering it up all the time, ei. certain clothes to "flatter", makeup, hair dye.  When I lost weight before the wedding I didn't have to wear clothes that 'flattered'  because everything looked good, I didn't worry about what I was going to wear because I felt confident in everything.  I want to get that way again but from the inside out this time.

By His grace,
