Friday 9 March 2012

Time Flies

It's been quite a while since I have written.  I've been a very busy bride!  Shawn and I have been run off our feet planning the wedding in all of our down time between work and sleep!  Who knew there is so much to think about!  We have finished the invitation building and envelope stuffing and are mailing out the bulk of them this weekend.  We are really enjoying the planning process and are trying to do as many things DIY (do it yourself) as possible.

Planning our honeymoon is just as much fun and the closer it gets the more excited we get!  It's been years since we have been away together because we chose to save that part of our relationship for marriage when I moved home.  I have a huge respect for my handsome man who has not gone away on vacation for a steady 2 years.  Such a hard worker!

In the past few months obviously lots has happened with planning but other things have happened as well.  Right after we got engaged I found out my child hood friend Carley had gotten engaged the same week.  Later in the month I heard that her wedding day is planned for the same day as ours, here in Devon as well!  How awesome!  Then my good friend from high  school Kyra, got engaged two months later and is getting married July 14, 2 weeks after us.  Guess what...1 month after that, my best friend of a lifetime and maid of honor Kathy got engaged to Devon and is getting married this year in September.  4 brides in one small circle!  How amazing!  I feel blessed to be a bridesmaid for the first time for Kathy, and a bride all in one year!  How lucky am I to be getting married the same year as my best friend?  Very lucky!

-- Kaela